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Packaging Materials & Labels - Surrey & Hampshire -

Packaging Materials  > POLYTHENE BAGS > Self Seal Polythene Bags (Grip seal bags) > Self Seal Polythene Bags - Write On Panel
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Grip Seal Bags With Write On Panels - 8 Grip Seal Bags With Write On Panels - 8" x 11"

Quantity - 1000 (1 box)
Price: £35.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Grip Seal Bags With Write On Panels - 9 Grip Seal Bags With Write On Panels - 9" x 12.5" C4

Quantity - 1000 (1 box)
Price: £47.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)


Packaging Materials  > POLYTHENE BAGS > Self Seal Polythene Bags (Grip seal bags) > Self Seal Polythene Bags - Write On Panel

Packaging Materials & Labels - Surrey & Hampshire -

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